+91 9853777309

Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy

You can apply for a refund only within a period of 15 days from subscription or payment date.

We'll refund you in full if we don't initiate the SEO project work within 15 days of making payment.

If your given information is wrong and after getting report for any of our services if you ask for full or partial refund it won't be possible.

Within 48 hrs of making payment if you don't want us to start the project at all you can ask for full refund. If you contact us for cancellation of project then we'l deduct proportionally and refund you accordingly.

If you are unsatisfied with the incomplete portion of the project then you can get proportional refund for the remaining work / project.

If the client don't share the desire information in time.

Any legal action taken before refund request will void the normal refund facility.